Aspen Dental | Earn While You Learn

Aspen Dental - Earn While You Learn Campaign

ASK: To create an informative and entertaining series of videos for Aspen Dental’s educational recruitment programs for dentist and dental hygienist students.

CHALLENGE: Aspen Dental has been facing recruitment challenges primarily due to a prevailing sentiment among prospective students that the institution’s curriculum is outdated. This perception has been fueled by previous marketing campaigns, which have given prospective students the impression that the curriculum lacks the necessary emphasis on emerging technologies and techniques.

Aspen’s agency, Chalk 242, partnered with Bottle Rocket Media to produce a new series of live-action spots to reinvigorate the program. The production consisted of (4) short form, (1) long form, and multiple social cut-downs.

We faced a tight production and post-production schedule that was dependent on constant communication with our team, clients, and outside vendors.

SOLUTION: Alongside the Chalk 242 creative team, we embarked on meticulous planning and attention to detail to develop storyboards, cast talent, and scout locations, all with the goal of producing a captivating series that featured a compelling narrative highlighting the exceptional educational opportunities and unique features of the school.

To achieve this, we employed a high-energy, camera-on-the-move approach, using a “Day in the Life” concept to follow our hero talent. Collaborating with a talented production team, we utilized state-of-the-art steady-cam equipment and innovative filming techniques to capture the school’s essence effectively. Through skillful editing, dynamic visuals, and engaging storytelling, the videos successfully portrayed the school’s unwavering commitment to excellence, cutting-edge facilities, hands-on clinical training, and the supportive community it fosters.

RESULTS: The end result is a series of highly effective recruitment videos that possess the captivating allure of a broadcast commercial. These spots inform prospective students about the school’s offerings and evoke a sense of excitement and aspiration, inspiring the next generation of dental professionals to join.

Both the Aspen Dental and Chalk 242 teams were ecstatic about the final spots and saw great results.

We’re looking forward to continual collaboration.